Monday, July 14, 2008

She is so Beautiful

No, not a bride, newborn baby, or bridal flower bouquet, instead it's the ultimate beauty and her/his name is "Desire" from Cold Stone Creamery Ice Cream parlor. I really tried to wait and take a picture of the entire cake but just could not resist. Instead of going upstairs to retrieve my camera, I resulted to the temptation of hubby holding a butcher knife (he would easily admit not knowing how to cut a piece of pie) asking if I wanted a piece. I could pretend that I wanted it cut for aesthetics and a nice camera shot, but the real reason is that I wanted the whole dang thing for my dinner. Who the heck cares about pork chops when you have this masterpiece sitting in the freezer?

So how did "she" get in my freezer? About 2 weeks ago, we rode our bikes to Cold Stone to get a smoothie and they were running a contest to win "Desire". All you had to do was put your business card (luckily I had one in my knapsack) in a bucket that had pinups of the tantalizing "Desire". On Saturday, they called, I have to admit when the caller ID read "Cold Stone", I did get a little scared that perhaps they realized they gave me an ounce too much of ice cream on the last visit. I have NEVER ...I mean EVER won anything and I am one of those sweepstakes junkies but low and behold, I won "Desire". She truly knows the pathway to my heart.


*Lissa* said...

Mmmmm.... Mouthwatering! ;o)

Charlotte Wedding Photographer - The Schultzes said...

I love your logo!

Christina said...

Ooooh, "she" is a beauty!!! my mouth is watering...are you sharing with your bloggy friends???

Dancing Queen said...

as rachael ray would say...YUM-MO!!!

congrats! maybe now the spell is broken...

Andi said...

Oh, how I LOVE Cold Stone Creamery! That cake looks like heaven on a plate...I am with you...who cares about pork chops with THAT around?! What a wonderful thing to win! Lovley photo...and hope it was as delicious as it looked!

Bobbie said...

Haha! I am currently drinking a milk shake while reading this! And it is DELISH! Thanks for leaving me comments on my blog - I do LOVE comments and for some reason to know another photographer is checking out my blog and leaving comments makes me feel even better!I have been scanning thru your blog and I just love your pictures...

Jaimee said...

OOOOH...yummy! Congratulations!

MamaMia said...

Come to MamaMia!

Tiger Lily Photography said...

Hi, I love your blog, and photos - esp the one of the cake - yummmmmm!!

Tish said...

Lucky you...what a prize!!! Your photos are gorgeous...I think my favorite is the "Charlie Brown!!"

iMother2.0 said...

Seriously> You're SUCH a tease!
Fabulously YUMMY shot!

Farrah said...

OMG, does that not look to die for!

Gotta love any kind of cake especially Ice Cream Cake...YUM

Thanks for the comment on my bloggy

Gingham Skies said...

Wow!! Lovely shot! Looks so yummy!